Ayush Raj

Web & App Developer


Hi there! Glad you stumbled on my site. My name is Ayush Raj and I am currently pursuing B.tech from NIT Durgapur.

Currently, I work as a freelance Web Developer, Tech blogger, App Developer. Over the past few months, I’ve been heavily investing my time in learning about Environment. I am also working on a Startup related to Tech Waste. I enjoy coding, travelling, and gaming in my spare time. My favorite stack is Mongoose, Express.js, React.js, and Node. I’m always looking for new opportunities, so don’t hesitate to reach out.



Sept 2020 - Present

Web-Developer at IIC

  • Created Front-End part of Innovation and incubation cell(IIC) Website.

  • Using technologies:- Html, Css, React.js, react-router-dom, reduxjs

April 2020 - Present


  • Expressed acute knowledge concerning software, web development, UX design, and business intelligence

  • Wrote articles based on latest Web Development tools, Frameworks, & laptop reviews.

Contact Me

Have a question or want to work with me? Don't be afraid to reach out!